Tuesday, July 7, 2009

p00r gIRL,,, AsSumiNg '',)


The story, "The Servant Girl", is about an ordinary girl, a servant girl, whose only wish is to have a different life because she was being abused by her mistress.

I was really touched by this story. It shows the usual treatment of the master to their servants. This poor little girl creates an imaginary world that might save her. She envisions and dreamed for a hero, a knight that will take her away and bring her to a place she dreamed for a long time. Fo she believed that with him, she will experience happiness and start to fulfill her dream.

That is why I want to sympathize to this poor girl whose only hope is to escape from the world she used to live in, to have a full retirement on her unjustice life. What she wanted is a real world that will introduce her the the true happiness she didn't experience.

Expecting for someone and something good to come are not bad. I can't blame her. She was a helpless girl who longed for many things she didn't possess, specially for a love that will embrace her being, an inspiration that will cheer her up. And that was Angel who was the fulfillment of her long-waiting. She assumed that this Angel is the angel that will offer her a path leading to the wold she dreamed off. But unfortunately, Angel was also made by her wide imaginations. That is why in the end, this Angel (Pedro) is the one who will bring her back pala to the world she tried to escape in.

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