Tuesday, July 7, 2009

w0mEN bEiNg sUpEri0R in NICK JOAQUIN's pen...


The created mind of Nick Joaquin came up to the issue between to sexes. Considering the first few paragraphs of the story, Dona Lupeng is a very submissive wife while Don Paeng is dominant.

But when Guido was introduced in the story, it seemed that Dona Lupeng change her mood. Her husband also observed that sudden change. Guido is a male character that acknowledges the purpose of a women, how they must be treated, that women is capable of dominating men. According to Guido, women are meant not only to be cared, respected and loved, bust most importantly, they must be ADORED. From this, Dona Lupeng was beginning to transform her aura when she argued with her husband. She resisted to sit down when she was instructed to. She was able to deny her husband's decision of not going to the Tadtarin. This argument shows that feminity is as powerful as masulinity.

Because of the spirit of the Tadtarin that captured Dona Lupeng's being, she joined dancing with the crowd . Don Paeng tried to stop her but he can't do anything because his wife is determined to joined them.

In the end, Don Paeng surrenderd himself to his wife.
His pride was nothing when he crawl like a lizard to kiss Dona Lupeng's feet.

But honestly, I don't encourage that kind of attitude. Adoration is meant only for God. As a woman, I'm conted being loved, cared, and respected by my future partner. As long as he is loyal to me, resposible and God-fearing, it is more than enough.

I'm so sorry for Don Paeng, he became the victim of the cult. And even his wife was totally captured by the evil spirit.

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